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Shifu: You ready?

Panda: Ready’s my middle name.

Panda: What do we got? Gang of terrible rhinos? Crocs? Rabid wolves? Let’s do it!

Shifu: Be warned. This may be the toughest challenge you’ve ever had to face.

Panda: Get ready to feel the thunder!

Shifu: Introduction to kungfu class.

Panda: Can I use the Wuxi finger hold on them?

Shifu: I try not to. Remember, Po, each generation teaches the next one. And so the art of kungfu lives on, in you and now in these. Errr… delightful children. (shut the door)

Panda: What?

Shifu: Good luck.

Panda: Wait a second! Master Shifu! Come on!

Panda (to the bunnies): Ok, if you could just take a seat.(not responsed) Hello? Hey, hey, settle down now. (no response) OK. Ahh~ Get those cottontails on the floor!

Bunnies: Ah~ the Dragon Warrior!

Panda: Yes, thank you.

Bunny 1: Are we gonna learn the cool kingfu moves?

Panda: Yes.

Bunnies: Yeah~~

Bunny 2: Now we’re really gonna start kicking butt!

Panda: Wowo~Now hold on. Kicking butt is just a small part of kungfu. It’s awesome, but it’s small.

Bunnies: (puzzled) Hn~

Panda: Kungfu means excellence of self. Being the best you can be. That’s what it’s about, bunnies.

Bunny 3: I wanna learn tigress style.

Bunny 2: Aren’t we going to fight?

Buuny 3: Yeah, like the Furious Five?

Bunnies: Yeah!

Panda: The Furious Five? They are cool, aren’t they? But it wasn’t fighting that made them amazing. No~ They each had to learn the secrets of kungfu before they became excellent.

Bunny 2: Secrets? What secrets?

Bunnies: Tell us!

Panda: I shouldn’t really say. That’s why it’s a secret. It’s top secret.

Bunnies: Plea~~~~~~~~~~se! Tell us, come on. Plea~~~~~~~~~~~se.

Panda: Ah! OK. But don’t tell anyone I told you, or I’ll deny it. I’ll be like, “What? Ididn’t tell them anything.” All Right?
