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改变我一生的人或事 英语作文
改变我一生的人或事 英语作文

改变我一生的人或事 英语作文

写作思路:根据题目要求,可以以“改变我一生的人”作为主题,写一件身边的人让自己改变了作风的事情,正文: Criticism has no effect on me, so everyone cares about me and can't control me. Only my mother believes that I will change. 批评,对我毫无作用,于是,大家都不管我,也管不了我,只有母亲,她相信我会改变。 I really changed because of her. 我也真的因为她而改变了。 At the end of last semester in grade five, my grandfather's chrysanthemum blossomed. My mother said she would take me to my grandfather's house to see the chrysanthemum. I made an exception and went with her. When I arrived at my grandfather's house, the chrysanthemum blossomed in late autumn and stood proudly. 五年级上学期期末,爷爷家的菊花开了,母亲说带我去爷爷家家去看菊花,我竟然破例跟她去了,到了爷爷家,菊花在深秋开的正盛,傲然挺立着。 My mother said, "Look at the chrysanthemums, which are blooming in this cool autumn, silently and selflessly dedicating their lives to everyone, blooming beautiful flowers and working hard". 妈妈说:“你看菊花,在这凉凉的秋季开的正盛,默默无私的为大家奉献着度过一生,开出美丽的花,努力着”。 I've learned that life should be like that chrysanthemum. I have been working hard and striving for the society and the country all my life. 我明白了,人生也要向那菊花那样,一生都在努力,奋斗,为社会,国家做奉献。

改变我一生的人或事 英语作文

改变我一生的人或事 英语作文

The person who change my life

In my opinion,my best friend changed my attitude towards life.

She is an opitimistic girl, she always appears with her big smile,and her dimple makes her look lovely and sunshine.Her passion to life infects me , she never felt disappionted no matter what difficulties she encounters with. She knows how to arrange her time properly,so she always enjoy life.She like sports game,such as pingpong,badminton.During the break,you can see her swift figure in the playground.

However,I always spend much time in studying,worry about something.Compared with her,I really was a hard working girl,but usually I got lower marks than her.It indeed confused me,I began to reflect on myself.The process of thinking makes me clear much confusion.

During the time with her,she always brings happiness to me, you can listen to her talking about everything!



首先listen to this这套教材非常不错,很多英语专-业会选其为听力课教材来使用,因为其中的话题涉及到访谈,街头采访,故事,回忆,朋友聊天……等各个方面,其次因为其中发音,英音和美音都有,这一点与雅思听力非常吻合。至于觉得有点难,是正常的,因为这本书的练习部分题很多,有时听完一遍,完全没有反应过来是要做什么,建议可以刚开始多听几遍,重复,不求每天听很多课,但保证把听了的都听懂。